Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bereishis 5776, October 2015: Trusting in Torah

We all know Adam and Chava were quick to fall from obedience to G-d's word, but midrash tells us that from the beginning of the creation of the tangible, this was the reaction of the created.
Sometimes we see reminders that G-d's creation is in every way perfect
On the first day, G-d created light and darkness in their entirety, as well as time in the linear sense (Rashi). On the second day the creations were the solidification of the Heavens into a stable firmament (Bereishis Rabbah), five groups of angels, and Gehinnom. None of these were distinct individual tangible objects except the angels, and those were inherently designed as tools essentially, to unquestioningly (unless asked) fulfill specific tasks.

On the third day, though, G-d created trees. The trees were intended to be entirely edible from roots to leaves, as well as their fruits. However, the earth feared that if they were too useful in this easy to access way (as opposed to chopping lumber which takes a great deal of work for man), they would be quickly over-used by man, and so the earth produced trees from which only the fruit was edible (Bereishis Rabbah, Tankuni). G-d punished the earth by making only some trees bear edible fruits whereas originally it had been intended that all trees would bear fruit along with edible bark, wood, and so on. While the earth had a concern, it tried to violate the law of Torah and contradict G-d's word.

On the fourth day, G-d created the sun, moon, stars, and zodiac and fixed them in the sky. The moon complained that it was improper for it and the sun to be identical in strength and appreciation; in response, G-d depleted the original light from the moon itself. When the moon showed contrition, G-d granted that the stars should shine alongside it alone, and not the sun regularly, so that the night sky should be appreciated as well as the day time sun-filled sky.

On the fifth day, fish and birds were created. Each took happily to its assigned portion, and so G-d blessed them with special unique blessings; ultimately when man was allowed to hunt and fish, this blessing also allowed them to survive in suitable numbers. None though tried to argue with the blueprint of creation.

Then came man, who rebelled against the rules of G-d, who had given him only one negative precept. The stage had already been set though by the rebellion of other creations which could not bend to the glory of Torah and the inherent perfection of G-d's plan.

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